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Sunday, November 4, 2012

EZ French Lesson Audio: Voici, Voila, Chez Episode

Chez; Voici; Voilà

Chez (au domicile de – at somebody’s place – home, at home, at someone’s house, at the home of) is a preposition. It is used to indicate a place or professions. It means (au magasin, cabinet de) Chez is used to mean (dans la famille de, dans le pays, la region de, le groupe, parmi - among, dans la personalité, dans l’œuvre de – in)

Examples / Exemples:

Bienvenue chez moi – Welcome to my home

Bienvenue chez nous – Welcome to our home

(Find additional examples in the textbook, "French Textbook and Notes for English Speakers..." avalaible at and Barnes and Noble (

Here is another textbook titled, "Learn French MP3 Dialogues - Dialogues MP3 Francais.." available at

Voici – Here is, this is. C’est une préposition. Example: Voici mes parents – Here are my parents. Use voici to make a presentation or to present somebody or something.

Example: Voici la clé de la voiture. Tu conduis maintenant – Here is the key to the car. You drive now.

Voici ma fille – Here is my daughter / She is my daughter.

Voilà – That’s why, that is why, there’s why (adv.)

Voilà – There is, there are

Example: Voilà deux mois que je travaille ici – I have been here for two months.

Voilà ma mère – Here comes my mother

(Find additional examples in the textbook, "French Textbook and Notes for English Speakers..." avalaible at and Barnes and Noble (

Here is another textbook titled, "Learn French MP3 Dialogues - Dialogues MP3 Francais.." available at

Friday, May 20, 2011

Learn French From Headline News: French Lessons Drawn from Breaking News

If you can not listen to it here, go to to find the series of podcast lessons drawn from DSK and the Manhattan Maid

Vocabulary – Vocabulaire
Ancien – former, old, ex
Voracious womanizer, playboy – dragueur, coureur de jupe
Libéré Sous Caution Mais Inculpé – set free on bond but indicted
l’ancien patron du FMI(Fonds Monétaire International) – Ex chief of IMF (international monetary funds)
Connu – known
Viol présumé – presumed violation
Femme de chambre – maid, cleaning lady
Le grand Jury Américain – The American Grand Jury
foulard de tête – hijab or head scarf
Lors de l’audience – During the court hearing, session
Coupable – guilty
Non-coupable – not guilty
Louer – to rent
Moyens financiers – financial means
La caution – the bond
la cour supreme – The supreme court

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Free French Lesson Download: Excerpt from "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers"

If the widget did not open or if you can't see it here, click on to listen to this episode.

If you still can't get it, download it here

Learn new words and ask questions: Housework / Travaux Ménagers (Tâches Ménagères)
To do Housework – Faire le ménage
To sweep the floor – Balayer le sol
To do household repairs – Bricoler
To water the plants – Arroser les plantes
To empty the garbage can – Vider la poubelle
To sort – Trier
To mow the lawn – Tondre le gazon
To take out the garbage – Sortir les ordures
To scour the bathtub/ clean by scrubbing vigorously – Récurer la baignoire
To vacuum – Passer l’aspirateur
To clean – Nettoyer
To wash – Laver
To garden – Jardiner
To wash dishes – Faire la vaisselle
To do laundry – Faire la lessive
To cook – Faire la cuisine
To pay the bill – Payer la facture
To wipe – Essuyer
To dry – Sécher
To dust off – Enlever la poussière

Use the preceding expressions. Ask a question first, then try to answer it : Utilisez les expressions precedents. Posez une question premièrement. Essayez d’y répondre:
Exemple / Modèle : Qui lave le sol de la maison ? Mon frère lave le sol de la maison – Who washes the floor of the house ? My brother washes the floor of the house.
Qui fait la vaisselle aujourd’hui? Jacques fait la vaisselle aujourd’hui. – Who washes the dishes today ? Jack washes the dishes today.
Qui répare la porte du garage? C’est Jean qui répare la porte.
Qui fait la cuisine ce soir ? Who is cooking tonight ?
Qui lave la voiture de la famille ? Mon père la lave les Samedis. – Who washes the family’s car ? My father washes it on Saturdays
Qui jardine chez vous ? C’est mon grand-père qui le fait – Who gardens in your home ? My grandfather does it.
Qui passe l’aspirateur chez vous ? Je passe l’aspirateur chez moi. – Who vacuums your home ? I vacuum it
Qui fait plus de travaux ménagers traditionellement? Les hommes ou les femmes ? Who does more housework traditionally? Men or women?

Discutez avec vos amis si une maison propre est importante pour eux. (Discuss with your friends whether a clean house is important to them).

**** Continuez à interviewer un ami ou un membre de votre famille pour découvrir qui fait les tâches ménagères. Utilisez le passé composé pour trouver la dernière fois quelqu’un a fait quelque chose.
Par exemple : Qui a nettoyé la chambre hier ? Who cleaned the room yesterday ?
Learn these home-related words :
Le torchon – dish rag
Le tapis – rug
Le seau – bucket
La machine à laver – washing machine
Le chiffon – dust cloth
Le balai – broom
Le balai-éponge – sponge-mop
Le lave-vaisselle – dishwasher
Une éponge – sponge
Les draps – sheets
L’eau de Javel – bleach
Une casserole – cooking pot
Un bassin – basin, bowl
Le sous-sol – basement
La lessive – laundry soap
Le détergent – detergent
Le garage – garage
Le balcon – balcony
Etagères – Shelves
Ranger – to tidy up
La buanderie – Laundry room
Loisirs – pastime
Une promenade dans le parc – A walk in the park
Le footing – fast walking, jogging
Le cirque - circus
Le parc d’attractions – Amusement park
Tricoter – to knit
Le vélo – bicycle
La gymnastique – exercise

Des Habits – Clothes
Un pull – sweater
Un manteau – a coat
Des bottes – boots
Une écharpe – scarf
Un foulard – scarf
Un sweat – sweatshirt
Un pantalon sweat – sweatpants
Un imperméable – raincoat
Des gants – gloves
Une casquette – a cap
Un t-shirt – a t-shirt
Un jean – a pair of jeans
Une chaussette – sock
Un short – a short
Une sandale – a sandal
Un maillot de bain – a swimshirt
Un chapeau – a hat
Un costume – a suit
Un pantalon – pants
Une chaussure – shoes
Un chemisier – a shirt (for women)
Une jupe – a skirt
Un porte-jupe – a skirt hanger

Review : List of adjectives that precede nouns in French : Autre (other), beau (handsome, beautiful), bon (good), grand (large), gros (big), jeune (young), vieux, viel (old), nouveau (new), Long (long) except with long hair (cheveux longs), petit (little, small), joli (pretty), meme (same).
Verb “Avoir” (To have) in French Expressions and Body Parts
How do you say “I have a stomach ache? A tooth ache? In French?
Use this: “Avoir mal à + the affected body part.” You have to conjugate the verb “Avoir” to agree with the subject etc. And if the affected body part is in the plural form, remember these mandatory contractions: à + le = au and à + les = aux
Exemple / Modèle: J’ai mal aux yeux – My eyes hurt me; Jeanne a mal aux jambs – Jeanne’s legs hurt her
Jean s’est amusé bien au concert de rock. Il a mal au dos maintenant – Jean had a good time a the rock concert. Now he has a backache ;

Devoir / Homework: Identify the rest of these body parts:
The human body – Le Corps Humain
Les bras, les mains, le dos, les jambs, les épaules, le cou, les cheveux, les pieds, le torse (torso), la cheville (ankle), les oreilles, les dents, les yeux, le ventre, les doigts, le visage (face), le sourcil (eyebrow), le poing (fist), l’orteil (toe), un membre (limb), une organe (organ), la joue (cheek), le front (forehead), une articulation (joint), le menton (chin, les lèvres (féminine noun) (lips), la tête, le nez, l’œil, le pied, la poitrine, le genou, le coude, la cuisse, la taille, le mollet etc.

Use the possessive adjectives before each one of these nouns
Masculine/ singular: Mon, ton, son, notre, votre, leur – (my, your, his/her/its, our, your, their)
Feminine / Singular: Ma, ta, sa, notre, votre, leur - (my, your, his/her/its, our, your, their)
Both genders and Plural: Mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leur - (my, your, his/her/its, our, your, their)
Modèle: Ma tête – my head; ma main – my hand; mon corps – my body; mon doigt – my finger etc

Apprenons les noms des pays: Let’s learn the names of countries:
Quels sont les noms des pays Africains? Les articles définis qui les précèdent ?
Les pays d’Afrique sont :
L’Afrique du Sud – South Africa
L’Algérie – Algeria
Le Burkina – Burkina-Faso
Le Congo – République du Congo ou le Zaïre
La Côte d’Ivoire – Ivory Coast
L’Egypte – Egypt
L’Ethiopie – Ethiopia
Le Kenya – Kenya
La Libye – Libya
Le Mali – Mali
Le Maroc – Morocco
Le Niger – Niger
Le Nigéria – Nigeria
Le Sénégal – Senegal
Le Soudan – Sudan
Le Tchad – Chad
La Tunisie – Tunisia
Le Zaïre ou Le Congo – Zaire

Quels sont les pays d’Europe ?
Ils sont :
L’Allemagne – Germany
L’Angleterre – England
L’Autriche – Austria
La Belgique – Belgium
La Bulgarie – Bulgaria
La Croatie – Crotia
Le Danemark – Denmark
L’Ecosse – Scotland
L’Espagne – Spain
La Finlande – Finland
La France – France
La Grèce – Greece
La Grande-Bretagne – Great Britain
La Hongrie – Hungary
L’Irlande – Ireland
L’Italie – Italy
La Norvège – Norway
La Pologne – Poland
La République tchèque – Czech Republic
La Slovaquie – Slovakia
La Suède – Sweden
La Suisse – Switzerland
La Yougoslavie – Yugoslavia

Quels sont les pays du Moyen-Orient, d’Asie, et d’Australie ?
Ils sont :
L’Afghanistan – Afghanistan
L’Arabie Saoudite – Saudi Arabia
L’Arménie – Armenia
L’Australie – Australia
Le Cambodge – Cambodia
La Chine – China
La Corée – Korea
L’Inde – India
L’Indonésie – Indonesia
L’Irak – Irak
L’Iran – Iran
Israël – Israel
Le Japon – Japan
La Jordanie – Jordan
Le Liban – Lebanon
Le Pakistan – Pakistan
Les Philippines – Philippines
La Russie – Russia
La Syrie – Syria
La Thaïlande – Thailand

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

EZFrenchLessonMP3 Releases "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers": Learn Free French by Podcast with

French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers

Get a copy of "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers" Now from Kindle Digital Publishing

French Textbook and Notes for English Speakers: Salut! Bonjour, Bonsoir, Merci, Au revoir! was written to help you conquer your fear of one of the most beautiful languages of the world. It is designed to meet your travel and education needs. It provides you with the right set of vocabulary, pronunciation, and explanations you need to fully study Moliere's language. This textbook comes equipped with a corresponding podcast and a related blog that provide you with ongoing support pertaining to pronunciation and explanations of cultural facts, artifacts, and more difficult verb patterns. In this book, you will find cultural notes, rules of thumb to avoid major faux-pas, and lots of exercises to help you have mastery over key language nuances, patterns, structure, and phraseology. Get additional information at and

Get a copy of "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers" Now from Kindle Digital Publishing

The wait is now over for all of you who have been writing to me about a textbook that should accompany this podcast. All along, you have wanted to follow with us. Here is your opportunity to reap lots of benefits from this podcast. By purchasing a textbook, you will be able to follow specific lessons from the textbook. There will not be any needs to post the vocabulary on a blog. Thanks for your wait. It nows pays off.

If you can not wait to have this book, you can purchase it right here. The text will be delivered by email. And it will cost you much less!

Brief Book Review:

French for English and Creole Speakers! a French textbook written specifically to give you as well as all beginning, intermediate, and advanced learners of French the support you need to master this beautiful language. This textbook comes equipped with a podcast and a blog that provide you with ongoing support pertaining to pronunciation and explanations of cultural artifacts. In this book, you will find cultural notes, rules of thumb to avoid major faux-pas, and lots of exercises to help you have mastery over key language patterns, structure, and phraseology.

Purchase a copy now:

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Salman Khan, the Internet Math Guru, Youtube EDU Academy: Open To All

Salman Khan is the new math guru on the Internet. How did he decide to get started on this?

"It began with long-distance tutoring in late 2004. He agreed to help his niece Nadia, then a seventh-grader struggling with unit conversion, by providing math lessons over Yahoo's interactive notepad, Doodle, and the phone.

Nephews and family friends soon followed. But scheduling conflicts and repeated lectures prompted him to post instructional videos on YouTube that his proliferating pupils could watch when they had the time.

They did - and before long, so did thousands of others. Today, the Mountain View resident's 800-plus videos are viewed about 35,000 times a day, forming a virtual classroom that dwarfs any brick and mortar school he might have imagined. By using the reach of the Internet, he's helped bring education to the information-hungry around the world who can't afford private tutors or Kaplan prep courses.

"With so little effort on my own part, I can empower an unlimited amount of people for all time," Khan, 33, said. "I can't imagine a better use of my time."

That, along with last year's Wall Street meltdown, is why he finally gave up his hedge fund work and dedicated himself to the academy full time in the fall of 2008. The nonprofit generated thousands in advertising revenue this year through YouTube, which shares cash with popular content providers, and could become self-sustainable as a one-person operation within a year. Khan is in talks with several foundations for capital that could enable him to expand the organization's reach....."

Read more:

Sunday, August 24, 2008

High School and College Students Have New Tool to Learn French

EZFrenchLessonMP3 is a new way of learning a foreign language. This company uses your laptop and computer to teach you this foreign language. Not only will you be able to interact in real time with your instructor, you will also be able to ask immediate questions on pronunciation, grammar and other areas of difficulty.

All you need to access this service is access to the Internet via a computer. Once you've paid your lesson fees, you will receive information about the classes.

If you have problems doing your homework or have problems pronouncing french words, EZFRENCHLESSONMP3 will be there for you. If you just want to brush up on your French before a trip to Paris, our staff will also work with you. In your email message, tell us about your level and what areas of need you are having. This way, we will be able to develop an individual program for you.

High school students as well as college students are clamoring the release of this service. French teachers all over California and the rest of the country are referring their students to EZFRENCHLessonMP3.

Find the help you need now before it is too late. If you want to pass this French class with a good grade, you need to contact us. If you want assistance in writing a paper, you can consult with us too.

Contact us at livetutoronline at

Get a sample of a French Lesson Class Delivery Here

Find Other French Lesson Delivery Here: Listen to some basic Expressions